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Stephen's Interview

Camilla uses a refined palette of soft colours to create quiet and contemplative urban landscapes, removing contemporaneous distractions and allowing us to see the beauty of architecture.


In 2014 Camilla was named Artist of the Year in Artist & Illustrators Magazine. In 2017 and 2018 she won the Chairman’s Prize at the ING Discerning Eye Exhibition and in 2018 she won the Neil Meacher RI Award for an Outstanding Watercolour at the 206th annual exhibition of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours. In 2019 she appeared on Sky Arts’ Landscape Artist of the Year.


Camilla says of her own work; ‘Cities are generally busy and overpopulated places. They’re somewhere many of us pass through and rarely stop to look. But many years ago I started to do just that. To stop and look at my surroundings, and what I saw surprised me. They’re invariably beautiful places, and at the right time of day, they transform completely. My paintings are an attempt to look beyond the fast pace of life and contemplate the beauty of the built environment.


Most of my painting is done in the UK. The light here is soft and the period buildings which I’m attracted to are weathered. Those features have certainly influenced my palette, but also by removing the qualities that assault the senses I’m inviting people to relax and to see the urban environment in a new way.’

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